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Shadow show on Broadway

December 01, 2019

Shadow show on Broadway

After performing on America’s Talent, Verba shadow show was invited to perform on Broadway on Christmas Days. It was an incredible chance and hard to believe.
After the first audition was released, interest in the group in the USA grew even more.
Verba Shadow received a call from one of the producers of The Illusionists Show. This project is now one of the areas of work of Cirque du Soleil.
By the way, on April 2-5, in National Palace of Arts “Ukraina” in Kyiv will take part in this magical action.
Perhaps Verba Shadow Show will also perform with Broadway’s best illusionists.

An American group of Verba Shadow

Approximately six months, the details of the project were discussed. The performance was developed in the genre of shadow show 3D. And it was about Christmas. Non-standard for Ukrainian shadow theatre was the preparation of the American shadow group. And not just staging with your Ukrainian actors. Audition and rehearsals of dancers were held in Las Vegas, Nevada. First, the producers of the show “Illusionists” selected the best. And then, the choreographers and stage director of the Verba Shadow Show approved the candidates. This happened over the Internet, based on resumes, photos, and videos. It is worth to say, that these same shadow dancers were also assistants for the illusionists.

In parallel with the approval of the American show, the main Ukrainian actors rehearsed performance in Chernihiv. Maine job was done in Ukraine. The choreography was developed, 3D content was created, equipment was prepared. It turned out an incredibly Merry Christmas 3D story from the shadow theater as part of the “The Illusionists” show on Broadway.

A trip to Las Vegas

In November, director Vladislav Polishchuk and choreographer Yana Briginets flew to Las Vegas. The main goal was to teach the basics American group. Although they had a rather strong choreographic study, meanwhile, the dancers encountered some difficulties. The main specificity of the genre is to feel not only your body in space but also the body of neighbors standing in the shape. Otherwise, if you get even a millimeter further from the mark, the shadow may turn out to be a hole or distorted. Since there was not much time for preparation, the guys did not leave the training hall. For two weeks, there were twelve-hour rehearsals every day.
The performance was planned to be final in the show. So that the audience is inspired by the magic of Christmas and New Year.