украинцы на америка имеет талант, verba shadow on america's got talent, українці на америка має талант

Shadow Dance Group at America’s Got Talent

June 26, 2019

Audition of Shadow Dance Group at America’s Got Talent 

Ukrainian shadow dance group VERBA SHADOW had an audition on the most large-scale TV show at America’s got talent. Actors were shot in Los Angeles, California. Now the ratings of the talent show averages about 12 million viewers. The shadow dance group  was the first at America’s got talent to connect two genres. Namely, SHADOW SHOW + 3D projection.

To get to television, especially American – a very difficult task. VERBA SHADOW went to this for 2 years. This season, out of 40,000 participants, only 225 contestants were selected. And the Ukrainian group is also among them. First, you go through pre-auditions of the producers. Then your name is either directly on the shoot list, or not.

Shadow dance group VERBA strive to reach the final. And of course, the cash prize will not be superfluous – $ 1,000,000. However, in case of a prize, the amount is not paid immediately, but for 40 years. As a financial annual rent. But more important than winning is the fulfillment of a dream. Namely, to perform with his full-length show in Las Vegas.

The goal of auditions

Honestly, the Ukrainian group VERBA SHADOW most of all wants to be associated with Ukraine. One day they dream of standing in line with outstanding personalities. For example, the Klitchko brothers, Bubka, Usik, Shevchenko, and Jamala. By the middle of 2019, VERBA traveled with performances in more than 37 different countries. Always returning to some of them again and again.

Of course, now it is becoming more and more difficult to surprise the viewer and the jury. That why the Ukrainians decided to combine the new 3D technology with the shadow show. The goal is to create a volumetric shadow setting. Symbiosis of the shadow, artists between the screens and 3D projection. You will not need 3D glasses for viewing. The 3D effect is created thanks to the screen, the grid and several projectors. Dancers use the space between the screens, which makes them closer to the viewers and make the show more realistic.

Epic Love story

What was the performance that shadow dance group were shows at America’s Got Talent? It is about the truth and sore. The artists decided to take a chance and once again “shout” to the whole world about the WAR in Ukraine. And, alas, after 5 years, to remind the public that it is still not over, although it is not often spoken of. This is a statement about love, self-sacrifice and the hope that all this will once end. In three minutes, the dancers put the cycle of life of an ordinary Ukrainian soldier. He became a hero both in war and in peaceful life. The director of the mini-production of VERBA Shadow Show 3D became a director Vladimir Marin.  Popular in Ukraine and beyond its borders. His creations viewers could meet on such  shows as “America’s Got Talent”, “Ukraine Got Talent”, “X – Factor”. A year ago, in cooperation with Victor Ki (in the past juggler Cirque du Soleil), he also created some exciting performances for American talent show.

All the details of the performance and the production you can watch on the video. Shadow dance group VERBA SHADOW passed into next round of the global talent show “America’s Got Talent”.

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