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Театр теней на 1+1 Театр тіней на 1+1 Shadow Show on 1+1
Shadow Show on 1+1 TV Channel
December 26, 2019

Shadow Show on 1+1 TV Channel At the end of the year, Verba Shadow Show created intro for the tv-show “Dubinizmy” on 1+1 . The entertainers, together with the director of the program, tried to show the whole truth about politics in a creative manner. Itself it’s an authorial, ironic-satirical, subjective vision of the acting…

3D театр теней shadow show 3D 3Д театр тіней
3D Shadow Show in Kharkiv and Dnipro
December 12, 2019

3D Shadow Show in Kharkiv and Dnipro Immediately upon return of  Verba from “Bulgaria got Talent,” the group presented 3D shadow show in Kharkiv and the Dnipro. December 12, the artists were met by the audience in the theater named by Shevchenko. Moreover, because of the high excitement, it was decided to make two shows….

театр теней на Бродвее театр тіней на Бродвеї shadow show on Broadway
Shadow show on Broadway
December 01, 2019

Shadow show on Broadway After performing on America’s Talent, Verba shadow show was invited to perform on Broadway on Christmas Days. It was an incredible chance and hard to believe. After the first audition was released, interest in the group in the USA grew even more. Verba Shadow received a call from one of the…

3D театр теней на «Болгария имеет талант» 3D театр тіней на «Болгарія має талант» 3D shadow show on "Bulgaria got talent"
3D Shadow Show on “Balgariya tarsi talant”
November 16, 2019

3D Shadow Show on “Balgariya tarsi talant” After an incredibly inspiring performance at “America’s got talent”, Verba 3D shadow show was invited to “Balgariya tarsi talant”. The shooting is carried out by the bTV channel. This is the 6th season of the TV project. Of course, after America, there are many aspects to compare. Nevertheless,…

театр тіней на global teachers prize
Verba Shadow on Global Teacher Prize 2019
October 08, 2019

Verba Shadow on Global Teacher Prize 2019 On 5th of October were held the annual international teacher’s award GLOBAL TEACHER PRIZE 2019. Not just teachers, but those who made an undeniable outstanding contribution to their profession. And Verba Shadow Show along with well-known Ukrainian performers were invited on Global Teachers Prize 2019.  As well as…

Pink Verba acrobatics
Vebra Shadow and Pink learn how to dance
October 02, 2019

Vebra Shadow and Pink learn how to dance It was name for cooperation with the popular PINK magazine. Autumn is time for studing, so the Vebra Shadow and Pink created a number of workshops. What is the point? Once every two weeks we will release video tutorials. The deadline will be December 25. And just…