Shadow Theatre Verba, Shadow show, Shadow dance, tree, deer, Lagos, Nigeria

Short of The Year Festival

January 10, 2016

We are thrilled to share the exciting news that our group, Shadow Theatre Verba, had the honor of participating in the renowned Short of The Year Festival, organized by Promofest. The festival, which took place in 2016, brought together talented filmmakers from around the world, showcasing their extraordinary creations on the big screen. Our film, “Save the Earth,” was selected for screening, allowing us to captivate the audience with our unique art form and contribute to the festival’s celebration of exceptional short films.

A Celebration of Artistic Innovation

Human Shadow Theatre Verba is known for pushing the boundaries of traditional theater through the mesmerizing art of shadow play. Our performances combine intricate handcrafted silhouettes, stunning visual effects, and storytelling to create a one-of-a-kind theatrical experience. Participating in the Short of The Year Festival was an incredible opportunity for us to showcase the immense creativity and technical prowess that goes into our craft.

The Journey of “Save the Earth”

“Save the Earth” was a poignant and timely creation that resonated strongly with the festival’s theme. The film explores the pressing issue of environmental conservation and the need for collective action to protect our planet. Through our shadow play, we conveyed a powerful message, highlighting the importance of sustainability and inspiring viewers to take responsibility for the well-being of our Earth.

Screening at the Festival

The moment our film was selected for screening at the Short of The Year Festival, our excitement knew no bounds. We eagerly prepared to present our shadow play on the festival’s prestigious platform. It was gratifying to witness how our art form, with its simplicity and grace, could touch the hearts of people from diverse backgrounds.

Shadow Theatre Verba, Shadow show, Shadow dance, tree, Elephant

Impact and Recognition

Being selected for screening at the Short of The Year Festival was a testament to the power of our art form and the tireless efforts of our dedicated team. The recognition and appreciation we received from the festival’s organizers, fellow artists, and the audience reaffirmed our belief in the transformative nature of shadow play. It served as a reminder that art has the potential to not only entertain but also provoke thought, evoke emotions, and drive positive change in society.

Participating in the Short of The Year Festival, under the auspices of Promofest, was a momentous occasion for Shadow Theatre Verba. We were privileged to bring our captivating film, “Save the Earth,” to a global audience and contribute to the festival’s celebration of exceptional short films. The experience reaffirmed our commitment to pushing the boundaries of traditional theater, using the power of shadow play to captivate, inspire, and make a positive impact in the world.

It is worth noting that shortly before participating in Short of the Year, our call to protect the planet was recognized as the best music video at the prestigious film festivals of the year – International Peace & Film Festival, Frames Film Festival and the Grand IndieWise convention. Our show continues to amaze audiences and draw attention to current environmental issues, and we are very grateful for this recognition at the international level. Our art becomes a powerful tool in the fight for peace and environmental awareness, and we dream that our messages will reach the hearts of viewers around the world.

Also, our short film was awarded the prestigious “Outstanding Short Film” award at the Handle Climate Change Film Festival (HCCFF) in China. Our work was the only Ukrainian representative among entries from more than 90 countries, which added to our joy knowing that HCCFF highlighted our activism in the fight against climate issues through the art of shadow theater in their first history festival.