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Shadow Theatre Verba - OFEV, театр тіней
Shadows of Hope – Bespoke Performance for OFEV
September 29, 2019

Verba Shadow Theatre believes in the transformative power of storytelling, and recently, we had the honor of collaborating with a pharmaceutical company to create a special performance in Madrid, Spain. The event aimed to introduce OFEV, a prescription medicine used to treat idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). Drawing inspiration from the experiences of IPF patients, our…

iBox, workshow, shadow theatre, shadow show, Verba, театр тіней, Тимбілдинг, team building
Shadow theatre team building for private events
August 24, 2019

We have long dreamed of making shadow theater more accessible to people. We wanted it to be seen not only on YouTube and talent shows but also for individuals to become actors themselves for an hour and get to know their own shadows better. And in this endeavor, we received great help from the company…

judge cuts agt Театр тіней продовжує підкорювати Америку Shadow Theatre continues to conquer USA
Shadow Theatre continues to conquer USA
July 24, 2019

After four “YES”, the Shadow Theatre continues to conquer the USA. Today’s second episode of America’s Got Talent show features Verba Shadow in Chernihiv Shadow Theater. The first performance was very successful. It was watched by more than 10 mln viewers around the world. The story that the shadow dance group showed was not only…

украинцы на америка имеет талант, verba shadow on america's got talent, українці на америка має талант
Shadow Dance Group at America’s Got Talent
June 26, 2019

Audition of Shadow Dance Group at America’s Got Talent  Ukrainian shadow dance group VERBA SHADOW had an audition on the most large-scale TV show at America’s got talent. Actors were shot in Los Angeles, California. Now the ratings of the talent show averages about 12 million viewers. The shadow dance group  was the first at…

театр теней на Show your show
Creative conference Show Your Show
June 11, 2019

Creative conference Show Your Show In June, the creative conference Show your Show was held in Kyiv. And shadow theater Verba became its member. The venue was not chosen by chance – the studio. This initiative aims to unite creators of the shows, technical companies, and production centers. First of all, the platform is…

Internationales-Storytelling-Festival, Verba Shadow Show
Shadow Theatre Verba at the Austrian International Storytelling Festival in Graz
June 08, 2019

In the enchanting world of storytelling, where imagination takes flight, Shadow Theatre Verba captivated audiences with their mesmerizing performances at the Austrian International Storytelling Festival held in Graz in 2019. With their skillful manipulation of light and shadow, Verba brought to life beloved tales such as “Alice in Shadowland” and “Cinderella” leaving the spectators spellbound…