Shadow Show for EQUATE, Verba Shadow Theatre, Kuwait

Shadow show for EQUATE

March 13, 2023

On the auspicious occasion of EQUATE’s anniversary in Kuwait, Shadow Theatre Verba had the privilege to mesmerize the audience with a captivating five-minute performance. The spellbinding act portrayed the journey of the main character, highlighting his personal growth and the founding of a remarkable company. As staunch believers in being “Partners in Success,” EQUATE showcased the power of collaboration and celebrated the cherished theme of “Life-Long Fellowship.”

Shadow Show for EQUATE, Verba Shadow Theatre, Kuwait, warehouse

Setting the Stage

As the performance began, a breathtaking sunrise painted the backdrop, symbolizing new beginnings and endless possibilities. The scene transitioned into an inverted silhouette of a house, with a man and a woman inside, signifying the protagonist’s humble origins.

Shadow Show for EQUATE, Verba Shadow Theatre, Kuwait, horse

Embracing Friendship and Ambition

As the man grew older, he encountered a young horse, forging a deep bond of friendship. Together, they embarked on a remarkable journey, illustrating the man’s quest for success. The shadow of the young horse near a tent showcased their camaraderie and shared aspirations.

Shadow Show for EQUATE, Verba Shadow Theatre, Kuwait, map

Mapping the Path to Success

The shadowy figure of the horse and the man near a roadmap projected onto the background emphasized the importance of meticulous planning and strategy in their pursuit of success. Through the transformative power of shadows, their mission became animated, captivating the audience with their determination.

Shadow Show for EQUATE, Verba Shadow Theatre, Kuwait, horse

Overcoming Adversities

Mounted on the horse, the man and his steadfast companion traversed the treacherous desert, braving fierce sandstorms. The creation of inverse shadows symbolizing the storms highlighted the duo’s resilience and the unyielding support they provided one another. United, they weathered the storms, as the horse reared proudly.

Shadow Show for EQUATE, Verba Shadow Theatre, Kuwait, horse

Navigating Stormy Seas

Continuing their odyssey, the duo found themselves aboard a boat, facing turbulent waters and rainstorms. In a visually stunning display, they conquered these challenges, showcasing their unwavering determination to reach their destination.

Shadow Show for EQUATE, Verba Shadow Theatre, Kuwait, boat, sheep

A Triumph in Kuwait

Their arduous journey led them to the iconic Kuwait Towers, represented by captivating silhouettes on the screen. As they reached their destination, the man and the horse shared a resounding hug, symbolizing their triumph over adversity and their unwavering commitment to success.

Shadow Show for EQUATE, Verba Shadow Theatre, Kuwait, architecture

A Legacy of Success

The performance culminated with a magnificent representation of the number 25, composed of silhouettes, celebrating EQUATE’s remarkable journey and achievements. The visuals gracefully transitioned to showcase the Petrochemical and EQUATE logos, symbolizing the company’s enduring legacy and commitment to being “Partners in Success.”

Shadow Show for EQUATE, Verba Shadow Theatre, Kuwait, 25

Shadow Theatre Verba’s spellbinding performance at EQUATE’s anniversary in Kuwait captivated the audience and brought to life the story of personal growth, friendship, and triumph over adversity. Through their exquisite mastery of shadow play, Verba eloquently conveyed the importance of collaboration and the profound impact of being “Partners in Success.” As the event celebrated the cherished theme of “Life-Long Fellowship,” Verba’s performance served as a testament to the power of unity, determination, and unwavering commitment to success.