Мы вместе, театр теней, Verba, Fireflies, Sweet Dreams

First performance

November 18, 2010

In November 2010, a team of creative students from Chernihiv National Technological University set out to present their unique art at the “We are together!” festival at BSTU in Bryansk. At that time we called ourselves the Shadow Theatre “Sweet Dreams” and prepared to show our original production about the friendship of two cities and two universities – CHNTU and BSTU.

As members of the collective, we were inspired by the millennial experience of Chinese light and shadow art, which we perfected and developed in our performances. In addition, we felt the influence of a new creative phenomenon – the creation of different images in shadows using the plasticity of the body. This phenomenon gave our production a special aesthetic and appeal.

When it came to the performance, we incredibly impressed both the festival participants and the jury members. The performance of the collective from Ukraine caused approval and admiration, it was evaluated on a par with representatives of other higher educational institutions from Russia, Belarus and Transnistria.

At the end of the festival, when the jury announced the winners, our team was recognised as worthy of the highest award – the Grand Prix of the Festival. It was a well-deserved recognition of our creative experiment, our ability to create impressive images with the help of light and shadow.

Participation in the festival in Bryansk became an important stage in the history of Verba Shadow Theatre. This success encouraged the team to continue its creative growth and development, to broaden its horizons and to share its unique art with audiences around the world.

In conclusion, we can say that the participation of the “Sweet Dreams” Shadow Theatre in the Bryansk Festival was a vivid confirmation that the art of playing with light and shadow has an enduring beauty and power to convey emotions. Our team will continue to inspire audiences with their work, stimulate their imagination and open new horizons in the world of theatre art.