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Шоу теней в Кувейте, Шоу тіней в Кувейті, Shadow show in Kuwait
Shadow show in Kuwait is a good tradition!
June 16, 2018

After successful winter tour we were invited to give shadow show in Kuwait once again. From 16 to 18 June, the shadow show in Kuwait took place in Opera House. It placed on the territory of a huge cultural center – The Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Cultural Center. These three days the shadow theater showed three shows at different times:…

3D шоу, 3Д шоу, 3D Shadow Show
Premiere of 3D Shadow Show from Shadow Theatre Verba
April 16, 2018

On April 16th 2018 was premiere of the “Kingdom of shadows” show from the shadow theatre VERBA took part in the native for the team city- Chernihiv. On the stage of the Drama Theater, the artists presented a new program for the whole family. Spectators could plunge into the fairy-tale world of heroes and adventures familiar from childhood….

дивитись театр тіней, Смотреть театр теней, watch shadow play
Now you can watch shadow play on Novyi Kanal’s show Superintuition
April 13, 2018

  The end of the year for the shadow theatre Verba was quite intense. In addition to the concerts shadow theater were invited to take part in the filming of the show Superintuition on the “Novyi Kanal”. This is the 8th season of the project, but its popularity does not drop. The shooting took part at the…

Театр Теней в Тернополе, Театр тіней в Тернополі, shadow theatre in Ukraine
Shadow Theatre in Ukraine – Kingdom of Shadows in Ternopil
December 23, 2017

Shadow theatre in Ukraine loves to give creative gifts! Especially in the New Year eve, when everyone is waiting for a holiday. This year was no exception. Group really wanted to please the audience with something new. Traditionally premiere took place in this beautiful city – Ternopil. Namely, on December 23, actors of the shadow…

Shadow Theatre China Event
Silk Road International Arts Festival
September 13, 2017

On the 7th of September, the Shadow Theatre participated in the inauguration of the 4th Silk Road International Arts Festival. International Art Festival is held from September 7 to 21 in Xi’an City with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Shaanxi Province. In the framework of the festival, artists from more than 20…

Театр теней в Катаре, Театр тіней в Катарі, shadow theatre in Qatar
Verba shadow theatre in Qatar – Eid al-Adha Festival
September 01, 2017

From September 1 to September 4, 2017, was performance of Shadow Theatre in Qatar. It was the Eid al-Adha festival for guests of the Katara Cultural village in Doha. These days, the entire Arab world celebrates the Eid al-Adha holiday. Traditionally, in the days of this holiday, they hold various festivals. Actors of  Shadow Theatre…