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5 rules of shadow theatre, verba shadow show, shadow dance, як зробити театр тіней, how to make shadow theatre, театр тіней верба
How to Create a Shadow Theater: 5 Essential Rules You Need to Know
May 01, 2024

This article will definitely come in handy if you’re just starting to explore the genre of shadow theater. Useful tips will be for those who stage shadow theater performances at school or university, want to play with children in the shadows or try something new with friends. By the way, we have previously explained how…

Verba Shadow Theatre, Shadow Show, Театр тіней Верба, Ліна Костенко, Lina Kostenko Souls
94 years of Lina Kostenko’s greatness
March 19, 2024

Lina Kostenko is a poet who not only impresses the world with her depth and insight. She has become a symbol of strength, steadfastness, and devotion to her people. Her poetry is a reflection of the complex history of Ukraine, an expression of the problems of the time and, unfortunately, of today’s reality. There were…

Тіні минулого життя, театр тіней Верба, past life shadows, shadow theatre Verba
Past life shadows
February 24, 2024

In these difficult times, when a peaceful life has become almost an unattainable dream, we, the collective of the shadow theater VERBA, have deeply felt the importance of art as a litmus test reflecting the spirit of the times. The first days of the full-scale invasion are hard to recall, especially because among the ruins…

Shadow Theatre Verba, Truth, Leipzig, театр тіней, Theater Der Jungen Welt, Urban X-Change
How we traveled to Leipzig with our “Truth”
July 04, 2023

The Beginning of a Full-Scale War in Ukraine scattered us across different cities and countries. Ensuring the safety of myself and my children became a priority during this challenging period. That’s how I found myself in Germany with two young kids. Over time, especially as autumn approached, my heart filled with longing for my loved…

Shadow theatre at home, Verba Shadow Theatre, Shadow moms
Types of Shadow theatre
June 15, 2023

With each passing day, the genre of shadow theater is gaining more popularity. In various countries around the world, numerous clubs and classes for both children and adults are being formed, diploma works are being written, and shadow theater is being taught in schools. There are several subtypes of shadow theater: Puppet shadow theater Hand…

Shadow theatre at home, Verba Shadow Theatre, Shadow moms
How to make shadow theatre at home
June 15, 2023

Ukrainians are currently facing numerous challenges in their lives. We have already experienced one winter during the war, but it is still unclear how much time will be needed for a full restoration of the power grid and whether we can expect more mass power outages. We know a way to entertain children and engage…