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Jiaxing, shadow theatre, театр тіней
Shadow Theater’s China tour
November 26, 2015

The entire month of November was filled with vibrant emotions and exciting adventures for Shadow Theater as the team set out to conquer China for the third time. Countless concerts, different cities, and the excitement of traveling in free time created unforgettable moments that we are happy to share with you in this article about…

театр теней в Киеве Театр тіней в Києві, verba shadow
Shadow theatre in Lviv, Priluki and Sumy
October 18, 2015

Concert in Lviv Premiere of the show “Shadow Space” from the shadow theater in Lviv, Priluki and Sumy. September 28, 2015, in Lviv premiere of the show “Shadow Space”. It is a full-length show of the Verba Shadow Theater. Before that the artists performed only at frequent events in Lviv. Or at festivals, like the…

Eid-Doha-Katara-Qatar-Festival-show, shadow theatre, театр тіней
Eid Al Adha 2015 in Katara
September 29, 2015

In the fall of 2015, amidst the festive air and anticipation of Eid Al Adha, the city of Doha came alive with the vibrant celebrations of one of the most important Muslim holidays. From September 24 to 29, the Eid Al Adha Festival sought to immerse residents and visitors alike in moments of joy and…

Handle Climate Change Film Festival
Handle Climate Change Film Festival
September 20, 2015

We are absolutely elated to shout from the rooftops that our human shadow theatre performance “Save the Earth” won the prestigious Excellent Short award at the 2015 Handle Climate Change Film Festival (HCCFF) in Shenzhen, China! As the lone Ukrainian representative among a sea of 1,245 entries from 93 awe-inspiring countries and regions, we are…

Grand IndieWise Convention
August 24, 2015

On the 24th of August 2015, we as performers of Shadow Theatre Verba were thrilled to learn that our powerful and thought-provoking performance, “Save the Earth,” had become a finalist in the prestigious Grand IndieWise Convention. This recognition was not only a testament to our exceptional artistry but also a celebration of our commitment to…

From Fireflies to Verba
From Fireflies to Verba
July 01, 2015

Dear friends of the enchanting art of Shadow Theatre, It is with both melancholy and excitement that we have decided to share the extraordinary journey of our beloved group of performers, the Shadow Theatre Fireflies. As we embark on this new chapter, allow me to tell the story of our remarkable transformation and triumphant resurrection…